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Nalanda is a leading provider of supplier risk management software.

Psg portfolio Nalanda background

Nalanda provides intelligent cloud software to connect companies and suppliers using a digital platform that enables the smooth exchange and verification of health and safety, due diligence, suppliers validation, invoices and other business information as well as providing solutions to ensure compliance with worker access, working time and e-invoicing legislation. Nalanda’s software is used by various sectors including construction, energy, retail, industry, logistics and more.

Year Invested
Madrid, Spain
"Nalanda differentiates itself by interconnecting buyers and sellers within a business community in an integrated way through an intelligent cloud at multiple points of contact in the supply chain: from finding the right suppliers to the invoice. Nalanda complements and reinforces software with personnel and devices in the field to help the project reduce costs, time and risks."
— Juan Gil Rabadan, CEO of Nalanda

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Nalanda Global

Meet Nalanada, a Spanish multinational platform that specializes in coordinating business activities between contractors and its suppliers and subcontractors.


Meet Nalanada, a Spanish multinational platform that specializes in coordinating business activities between contractors and its suppliers and subcontractors.

Did you know?

We have nearly 40k suppliers interacting with more than 500 main contractors.

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Netsurion provides continuous cybersecurity monitoring, threat detection, and incident response.