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Prodoscore’s data visualization and productivity software surfaces actionable and objective employee insights.

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Prodoscore provides visibility into an organization's most valuable asset, its people. By surfacing actionable and objective insights around engagement and productivity, critical data keeps leaders better informed and better prepared so they’re making smarter decisions, rooted in data not gut feel.

Prodoscore is a non-invasive and employee-centric solution that takes just 15 minutes to install. The proprietary scoring system utilizes AI to aggregate data that's critical to business success and makes it quickly digestible via an easy to use dashboard.

Year Invested
Los Angeles, CA
“The Prodoscore solution helps our customers by creating visibility into employee engagement, a key driver of culture. With that insight employees are given the freedom to work in a way that makes sense for them, resulting in higher performance, better engagement, and lower attrition.”
— Sam Naficy, CEO of Prodoscore

This statement is provided by an executive of a portfolio company of a PSG fund. PSG has not provided cash or other compensation in exchange for receiving this statement. Any discretion PSG exercises in the determination of the compensation of its portfolio company executives, or other benefits provided to such executives, is not influenced by whether such executive has provided a favorable statement. Nevertheless, the fact that any statements have been provided by individuals whose compensation PSG exercises a certain level of control over, or who may receive certain benefits from PSG, may incentivize such individuals to provide favorable evaluations of their experiences working with PSG. The executive is not an investor in strategies sponsored by PSG.

Did you know?

As of May 2022, The Prodoscore solution enabled a hybrid work policy for one of the largest government agencies in the state of New York.

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Propertybase is a leading real estate end-to-end software platform.